Requesting Your FirstRoot Debit Card

Requesting Your FirstRoot Debit Card

Before requesting your FirstRoot Debit card, please read FirstRoot Debit Card FAQs.

Step 1 - Send us a Request:

Send an email to ""  State that you would like to request a FirstRoot debit card for your PB Program. 

Step 2 - Provide Your Account Details:

A FirstRoot agent will respond with the appropriate form asking you to provide the following information.  

First Name
As it will appear on the debit card (must be your legal name)
Last Name
As it will appear on the debit card (must be your legal name)
Shipping/Billing Address
Used to ship physical debit cards (when requested) and security validation during online and card not present transactions. 
   - Street Address

   - City 

   - State

   - ZIP

Phone Number
Used to contact you for security related concerns or issues. 
Email Address 
Used to log into the "Chek" app when accessing your card and transaction details.  

Note: FirstRoot debit cards are only available for US residents at this time. 

Step 3 - Specify Card Type:

You have the option of ordering either a "virtual card" OR a "virtual/physical" card.  

Virtual cards can be used in any purchase scenario that does NOT require you to present your physical debit card. This includes online purchases, Apple Pay/Android Pay, and even orders made over the phone. 

Your card number and CIV (3-digit code on the back of the debit card) will be accessible through the "Chek" app.  

Once a "virtual card" is ordered, a Physical version of that card cannot be created later.  

Virtual/Physical cards provide the same online access as the "virtual cards." In addition, a Physical Debit Card will be sent to you by mail.  

Neither virtual nor physical cards can be used for cash withdrawal from ATMs or cashback transactions.

Step 4 - Follow Instructions in Chek's Welcome Email

Once you provide your debit card request details, you will receive a "welcome email" from Chek within 72 hours. At this point, you can use your virtual debit card by downloading the "Chek" app and accessing your card details there.  

Those who order a physical/virtual card will receive the physical version of their card within ten working days of receiving their "welcome email."

Sample "Welcome Email from Chek."

Sample image of Chek's welcome email.
Chek Welcome Email

Chek Card Access Process: email through app download and login. 

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