Sample Email - Senior Gift Announcement

Sample Email - Senior Gift Announcement

We envision this email being sent from the PB administrator to all participating students

Dear [SCHOOL NAME] Seniors -

Traditionally, the Senior class has left behind a legacy at [SCHOOL NAME] known as a Senior Gift when they graduate. Senior Gifts have come in a variety of forms - a painting in the gym, for example - and are meant to help make [SCHOOL NAME] even better for the next generation of students. This year, through a variety of contributions, your Senior Class has $X,XXX.XX to dedicate to your gift.

We need your ideas!
The Senior Gift is totally from students, so the school has partnered with a company called FirstRoot to help give everyone a chance to share ideas, and to ultimately select the final Gift (and you might have read about ASB’s experiment with FirstRoot last year in the The Phoenix here:

So how does this work?
In the next few days, you’ll receive an email from FirstRoot with a log in and password so that you can access FirstRoot’s platform. Once you do, you’ll see videos explaining how the process works, and then you’ll be able to submit a proposal (or several) on how you think we should spend that money.

Once we’ve collected enough proposal ideas, we’ll narrow them down to the ones that are realistically possible, and you’ll refine them to figure out any needed details. After that, the entire class will vote for their favorite, and that will become your Senior Gift!

More information on the stages is below, but here are a couple of things to keep in mind:
  1. Try to think of ideas/improvements that would benefit the highest amount of students.
  2. Proposals can’t be for items that would require ongoing maintenance or upkeep, because of the cost. So for example, planting trees might not be the best, or subscriptions to academic programs that need to be renewed every year.
  3. You’re free to come up with any ideas you want, but please remember that they need to be school-appropriate, and anything that violates school guidelines will be sent to the Deans.
Keep in mind: this money is under your control. We look forward to seeing how you invest it to make [SCHOOL NAME] a better place!

For more information about each step of the process, please keep reading. There are five phases to the program: 
  1. Discover: A FirstRoot account has been created for you, the username and password should arrive by [DATE].  You can change your password if you wish.  The user name cannot change as we want to make sure to give credit for your great ideas or suggestions to you!
  2. Dream: All seniors have the opportunity to use the FirstRoot app to create proposals on how to make [SCHOOL NAME] a better school.
  3. Design: You will use design thinking to develop your initial proposals into concrete projects.
  4. Decide: We will review the proposals and add to the ballot those proposals that are feasible based on cost and scope. Seniors select the winning proposals through a voting process.
  5. Do: The winning proposals will be implemented and moved into an implementation stage. The details of implementation depend on the proposal. For example, if a proposal consists of simply getting supplies for the school, we'll just buy the supplies. More complex proposals will involve other people.
Let me know if you have any questions.


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